Drum role please...

Here's to new beginnings...in my process to restore my creativity and find my design style, I thought I would use this blog to document my journey.
I have been so inspired by those of you who have turned your homes into showcases with little $$ but tons of creativity and ingenuity.
After living in my current apartment for almost 2 years, with its dingy off white walls and made for an office carpeting, the urge to make it more of a home is starting to beckon me closer to fixing it up.

I have always loved items that belonged to another; whether relative or stranger, the thought of someone before me owning the item makes me happy. That's why this trend of using flea market and garage sale items is a good thing. I just hope I have luck in finding stuff.

Any updating or decorating that I do must be done on the cheap...going to school isn't, so I'm on a very small budget.
I'll be sharing my projects here and continue to search for more ideas from all of you talented people. I hope no one will mind that I may steal borrow some of your ideas. Please leave me a comment and a link to your blog; always glad to add your button to my list. :)
Til next time,